After the announcement of apple iphone 5,samsung is prepared to roll out the new version of Samsung Galaxy S.
The new version has much more improved features than the Galaxy S III,the main improvement in it's screen size is increased to 5 inch,slightly larger than the display of Galaxy S III and Apple iphone 5 as repoted.And also made improvement in processors too.
It will have more powerful hardware and software and will "definitely use" 4G LTE networks.Phones running Google's Android operating system have been outselling the iPhone for some time. But that's a fragmented field that includes dozens of phones of varying quality. No single handset has established itself as a serious rival to Apple's phone.
The S4's release would mark Samsung's biggest salvo since a federal court in California ruled that Samsung violated multiple Apple patents in the release of its own products. After the ruling, Apple asked the court to add the Galaxy S III to the list of products that are in violation.
So as the report said Samsung fire back by the releasing of Galaxy S 4.All are waiting for the product..expect to coming soon....
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